Postdoctoral Fellow,
SomatosensoryNeurophysiology Lab.,
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Linkou
School of Medicine, Chang Gung University
Email: happydry@ms36.hinet.net
Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation,
Chang Gung Memorial Hospital at Linkou
School of Medicine, Chang Gung University
Email: happydry@ms36.hinet.net
- Ph.D. in Inst. of Electrical ontrol Engineering, National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan 2011
- Postdoctoral Fellow in Dept. of Neurology, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill School of Medicine, USA 2012
How do neurons work? Neuroengineering uses engineering techniques to understand, repair, replace, enhance, or otherwise exploit the properties of neural systems. The engineers use the engineering principles to develop quantitative tools and methods for the neuroscience research. Scientists use these neurotechnologies for understanding the complex neural computation and behavior via recording and processing neural activities, as well as improve and repair brain function through stimulating the neurons. My research interests attend to the development of the bio-micro-electro-mechanical systems (BioMEMS) sensor, the neural imaging, and the neural encoding and decoding for understanding and modeling the complex neural systems. After the neural signal capture devices and an automatic spike sorting method were produced, I am going to use these tools for investigating the neurovascular responses of deep brain stimulation in the rat’s basal ganglia and for modeling the tactile motion perception in the non-human primate’s somatosensory cortex. My long-term goals involve developing novel neurotechnologies for understanding neural coding and translational research.Bio-micro-electro-mechanical systems (BioMEMS) sensor
A novel flexible neural probe for deep brain stimulation and multichannel recording
We focus on the development of a flexible and MR-compatible multichannel neural probe that can be used to both neural recording and stimulation for long-term study to better understand the neuron network in the brain (Chen et al., J Neurosci Meth, 2009; Lai et al., J Neural Eng, 2012). Base on BioMEMS technology, the next line of our research is to develop the multifunctional neural probe, such as MR-compatible Optrodes for the optogenetic study and microfluidic neural probe for the pharmacological study.
Multifunctional electrode array chip for simultaneously neural-electrical and neural-chemical recordings
The work presented herein describes an integrated multifunctional microelectrode array chip and its flexible fabrication processes implemented by electroplating technique (Chuang et al., Biosens Bioelectr , 2012). The integration of both neural-electrical and neural-chemical recording modalities in the chip provides new opportunities to acquire neural network information temporally and spatially, consequently holds the potential for efficient and versatile analysis for studies in neuronal behavior and drug screening.
Neural image
Deep brain stimulation fMRI using MR-compatible array neural probe
We are developing simultaneous fMRI/electrophysiology to elucidate the neurophysiological origins of fMRI signals and the pathophysiological mechanisms of neurovascular diseases (Shih et al., Neuroimage, 2013). The MRI-compatible multichannel microelectrode array is designed and fabricated using semiconductor production and micro-electro-mechanical systems (MEMS) technology (Lai et al., J Neural Eng, 2012). Combing fMRI and electrophysiology provides additional neural information and has potential to complement current fMRI techniques that primarily measure hemodynamic responses.fMRI reveals frequency-dependent responses at multiple cortical regions during STN or GPi DBS
Deep brain stimulation (DBS) is a neurosurgical technique which is currently used to treat a variety of neurological and psychiatric disorders, most commonly Parkinson's disease (PD). The mechanism by which DBS alleviates neurological symptoms is still incompletely understood, limiting the generalizability of this procedure to new targets. The combination of DBS and fMRI enables the study of regional responses to stimulation as well as functional connectivity changes during stimulation, with the potential to optimize treatment parameters and monitor therapeutic outcomes (Lai et al., Neuroimage, 2013). The frequency–dependency observed in sensorimotor cortex suggests that nuclei in the basal ganglion, motor-sensory cortex and frontal lobe are interconnected and functionally synchronized at these DBS therapeutic frequencies. Indeed, characterizing this interaction is fundamental for the understanding of sensor-motor integration. Our future studies will use electrophysiology and fMRI methods to explore the function of these circuits by examining the communication between M1 and S1 in an animal PD model underlying STN or GPi DBS.
Neural information
Neural coding for tactile motion
We focus on neural coding in tactile perception. Specifically, we combine psychophysics, cortical neurophysiology and computational methods to understand the neuronal mechanism of the motion processing in the primary somatosensory cortex. Using tactile stimulus inspired by visual experiments such as gratings, plaids and random dot displays, we have shown that the somatosensory system integrates local motion signals to form a holistic motion percept (Pei et al. PLoS Biology 2010). The next line of our research is to answer the question how the motion information is integrated across fingertips in multi-digital tasks.
Novel neuromodulation models
Focused ultrasound for functional brain modulation
We investigate the neuromodulation induced by focused ultrasound (FUS). Its effects are evaluated by somatosensory evoked potentials, blood-oxygen-level dependent signals and behaviors. This line of inquiry will contribute to the treatment of disease and the understanding of physiological processing in the central nervous system. The laboratory will keep applying novel neuroengineering methods to allow us to solve the unsolved problems in system neuroscience.
Selected Publications
Hsin-Yi Lai, Daniel L. Albaugh, Yu-Chieh Jill Kao, John Robert Younce, and Yen-Yu Ian Shih*, 2014, “Robust deep brain stimulation functional MRI procedures in rats and mice
using an MR-compatible tungsten microwire electrode.” J Magn Reson Med, DOI: 10.1002/mrm.25239. (IF: 3.27)
Hsin-Yi Lai, John R Younce, Daniel L Albaugh, Yu-Chieh J Kao and Yen-Yu I Shih*, 2013 “Functional MRI reveals frequency-dependent responses during deep brain stimulation at the subthalamic nucleus or internal globus pallidus,” Neuroimage, Vol.84, pp. 11-18. (IF: 6.252)
Yen-Yu I. Shih, You-Yin Chen, Hsin-Yi Lai, Yu-Chieh Kao, Bai-Chuang Shyu, and Timothy Q. Duong*, 2013, “Ultra-high-resolution fMRI and electrophysiology of the rat primary somatosensory cortex,” Neuroimage, Vol.73, pp. 113-120. (IF: 6.252)
Min-Chieh Chuang, Hsin-Yi Lai, Ja-an Annie Ho, and You-Yin Chen*, 2012, “Multifunctional Microelectrode Array (mMEA) Chip for Neural-Electrical and Neural-Chemical Interfaces: Characterization of Comb Interdigitated Electrode towards Dopamine Detection,” Biosens Bioelectr, Vol.41, pp. 602-607. (IF: 5.437)
Hsin-Yi Lai, Lun-De Liao, Chin-Teng Lin, Yen-Yu I. Shih, You-Yin Chen*, Siny Tsang, and Jyh-Yeong Chang, 2012, “Design, simulation and experimental validations of a novel flexible neural probe for deep brain stimulation and multichannel recording,” J Neural Eng, Vol.9, pp. 036001. (IF: 3.282)
Yi-Ting Shu+, Hsin-Yi Lai+, Yao-Chuan Chang, Yi-Hsuan Kuo, Shang-Ming Chiou, Ming-Kuei Lu, Yu-Chin Lin, Yen-Liang Liu, Chiung Chu Chen, Hui-Chun Huang, Ting-Fang Chien3, Shinn-Zong Lin, You-Yi Chen* and Chon-Haw Tsai*, 2012, “The role of the sub-thalamic nucleus in volitional movement termination in Parkinson’s disease,” Exp Neurol, Vol.233, pp.253-263. (+: equal contribution) (IF: 4.645) Highlighted
Hsin-Yi Lai, You-Yin Chen*, Sheng-Huang Lin, Yu-Chun Lo, Siny Tsang, Shin-Yuan Chen, Wan-Ting Zhao, Wen-Hung Chao, Yen-Yu I. Shih, Yao-Chuan Chang, Sheng-Tsung Tsai, and Fu-Shan Jaw, Apr., 2011, "Automatic spike sorting for extracellular electrophysiological recording using unsupervised single linkage clustering based on grey relational analysis," J Neural Eng, Vol.8, pp. 036003. (IF: 3.282)
Lun-De Liao, Meng-Lin Li, Hsin-Yi Lai, Yen-Yu I Shih, Yu-Chun Lo, Siny Tsang, Paul C.-P. Chao, Chin-Teng Lin, Fu-Shan Jaw, and You-Yin Chen*, Aug., 2010, “Imaging brain hemodynamic changes during rat forepaw electrical stimulation using functional photoacoustic microscopy,” Neuroimage, Vol.52, pp. 562-570. (IF:6.252)
You-Yin Chen*, Hsin-Yi Lai, Sheng-Huang Lin, Wen-Hung Chao, Chia-Hsin Liao, and Siny Tsang, May, 2009, "Design and fabrication of a polyimide-based microelectrode array: application in neural recording and repeatable electrolytic lesion in rat brain," J Neurosci Meth, Vol. 182, pp. 6-16. (IF: 2.114) Top 10 Articles Published in the Neuroengineering Field indicated by BioMedLib™
Hsin-Yi Lai, John R Younce, Daniel L Albaugh, Yu-Chieh J Kao and Yen-Yu I Shih*, 2013 “Functional MRI reveals frequency-dependent responses during deep brain stimulation at the subthalamic nucleus or internal globus pallidus,” Neuroimage, Vol.84, pp. 11-18. (IF: 6.252)
Yen-Yu I. Shih, You-Yin Chen, Hsin-Yi Lai, Yu-Chieh Kao, Bai-Chuang Shyu, and Timothy Q. Duong*, 2013, “Ultra-high-resolution fMRI and electrophysiology of the rat primary somatosensory cortex,” Neuroimage, Vol.73, pp. 113-120. (IF: 6.252)
Min-Chieh Chuang, Hsin-Yi Lai, Ja-an Annie Ho, and You-Yin Chen*, 2012, “Multifunctional Microelectrode Array (mMEA) Chip for Neural-Electrical and Neural-Chemical Interfaces: Characterization of Comb Interdigitated Electrode towards Dopamine Detection,” Biosens Bioelectr, Vol.41, pp. 602-607. (IF: 5.437)
Hsin-Yi Lai, Lun-De Liao, Chin-Teng Lin, Yen-Yu I. Shih, You-Yin Chen*, Siny Tsang, and Jyh-Yeong Chang, 2012, “Design, simulation and experimental validations of a novel flexible neural probe for deep brain stimulation and multichannel recording,” J Neural Eng, Vol.9, pp. 036001. (IF: 3.282)
Yi-Ting Shu+, Hsin-Yi Lai+, Yao-Chuan Chang, Yi-Hsuan Kuo, Shang-Ming Chiou, Ming-Kuei Lu, Yu-Chin Lin, Yen-Liang Liu, Chiung Chu Chen, Hui-Chun Huang, Ting-Fang Chien3, Shinn-Zong Lin, You-Yi Chen* and Chon-Haw Tsai*, 2012, “The role of the sub-thalamic nucleus in volitional movement termination in Parkinson’s disease,” Exp Neurol, Vol.233, pp.253-263. (+: equal contribution) (IF: 4.645) Highlighted
Hsin-Yi Lai, You-Yin Chen*, Sheng-Huang Lin, Yu-Chun Lo, Siny Tsang, Shin-Yuan Chen, Wan-Ting Zhao, Wen-Hung Chao, Yen-Yu I. Shih, Yao-Chuan Chang, Sheng-Tsung Tsai, and Fu-Shan Jaw, Apr., 2011, "Automatic spike sorting for extracellular electrophysiological recording using unsupervised single linkage clustering based on grey relational analysis," J Neural Eng, Vol.8, pp. 036003. (IF: 3.282)
Lun-De Liao, Meng-Lin Li, Hsin-Yi Lai, Yen-Yu I Shih, Yu-Chun Lo, Siny Tsang, Paul C.-P. Chao, Chin-Teng Lin, Fu-Shan Jaw, and You-Yin Chen*, Aug., 2010, “Imaging brain hemodynamic changes during rat forepaw electrical stimulation using functional photoacoustic microscopy,” Neuroimage, Vol.52, pp. 562-570. (IF:6.252)
You-Yin Chen*, Hsin-Yi Lai, Sheng-Huang Lin, Wen-Hung Chao, Chia-Hsin Liao, and Siny Tsang, May, 2009, "Design and fabrication of a polyimide-based microelectrode array: application in neural recording and repeatable electrolytic lesion in rat brain," J Neurosci Meth, Vol. 182, pp. 6-16. (IF: 2.114) Top 10 Articles Published in the Neuroengineering Field indicated by BioMedLib™
Other publications
(in press) Yen-Yu I. Shih, Shiliang Huang, You-Yin Chen, Hsin-Yi Lai, Fang Du, Edward S. Hui, and Timothy Q. Duong*, 2014, “Imaging neurovascular function and functional recovery in the rat striatum using forepaw electrical stimulation under isoflurane anesthesia,” J Cereb Blood Flow Meta.
(in press) Lun-De Liao, Aishwarya Bandla, Ji Min Ling, Yu-Hang Liu, You-Yin Chen, Hsin-Yi Lai, Nicolas KK King, Wai Hoe Ng and Nitish Thakor, 2014, “A Multimodal Imaging Study for Hyperacute Stroke Neurorestorative Functions by Peri-Infarct Activations,” Neurophotonics.
Yu-Cheng Pei*, Ting-Yu Chang, Tsung-Chi Lee, Sudipta Saha, Hsin-Yi Lai, Manuel Gomez-Ramirez, Shih-Wei Chou, and Alice M.K. Wong, 2013, “Cross-Modal Sensory Integration of Visual-Tactile Motion Information: Instrument Design and Human Psychophysics,” Sensors, Vol.13, pp. 7212-7223. (IF: 1. 953)(in press) Lun-De Liao, Aishwarya Bandla, Ji Min Ling, Yu-Hang Liu, You-Yin Chen, Hsin-Yi Lai, Nicolas KK King, Wai Hoe Ng and Nitish Thakor, 2014, “A Multimodal Imaging Study for Hyperacute Stroke Neurorestorative Functions by Peri-Infarct Activations,” Neurophotonics.
Lun-De Liao, Vassiliy Tsytsarev, Ignacio Delgado-Martinez, Meng-Lin Li, Reha Erzurumlu, Yan-Ren Lin, Ashwati Vipin, Hsin-Yi Lai, You-Yin Chen and Nitish V. Thakor*, 2013, “Neurovascular coupling: in vivo optical techniques for functional brain imaging,” BioMed Eng OnLine. 12:38. (IF: 1.61)
Hsin-Yang Huang, Shang-Hsiu Hu, Shih-Ya Hung, Chih-Shang Chiang, Hao-Li Liu, Tsung-Lang Chiou, Hsin-Yi Lai, You-Yin Chen*, and San-Yuan Chen*, 2013 “SPIO Nanoparticle-Stabilized nanobubbles with MR/US dual-modality imaging and HIFU-triggered release drug for in-vivo therapy,” J Control Release, Vol.172, pp. 118-127. (IF: 7.633)
Yuan-Jen Chang, Lun-De Liao, Chin-Teng Lin, Hsin-Yi Lai, Ji-Lin Chen, Yu-Ting Yang Ying-Chen Ting, Ya-Po Huang, Robby Wu, Nitish V. Thakor, and You-Yin Chen*, 2012, “A Low-Cost Multielectrode Array System for Simultaneous Acquisition of Electrophysiological Signal and Cellular Morphology,” J NeuroSci NeuroEng.
Lun-De Liao, Yuan-Jen Chang, Hsin-Yi Lai, Chin-Teng Lin, Zong-Min Lin, Siny Tsang, and You-Yin Chen*, 2012, “A novel light-addressable multi-electrode array chip for neural signal recording based on VCSEL diode arrays,” J NeuroSci NeuroEng, Vol.1, pp. 4-12. Featured articles
Lun-De Liao, Chin-Teng Lin, Yen-Yu Shih, Timothy Duong, Hsin-Yi Lai, Robby Wu, Siny Tsang, Jyh-Yeong Chang, Meng-Lin Li*, and You-Yin Chen*, 2012, “Transcranial imaging of functional cerebral hemodynamic changes in single vessels using in vivo photoacoustic microscopy,” J Cereb Blood Flow Metab, Vol.32, pp.938-951. (IF: 5.398) Featured articles
Lun-De Liao, Chin-Teng Lin, Yen-Yu I. Shih, Hsin-Yi Lai, Wan-Ting Zhao, Timothy Q. Duong, Jyh-Yeong Chang , You-Yin Chen*, and Meng-Lin Li*, 2012, “Investigation of the cerebral hemodynamic response function in single blood vessels by functional photoacoustic microscopy,” J Biomed Opt, Vol.17, pp.061210. (IF: 2.881)
Hsin-Yang Huang, Shang-Hsiu Hu, Chih Shang Chiang, San-Yuan Chen*, Hsin Yi Lai, and You-Yin Chen*, 2012, “Self-Assembling PVA-F127 thermosensitive nanocarriers with highly sensitive magnetically-triggered drug release for epilepsy therapy in vivo,” J Mater Chem, Vol.22, pp.8566-8573. (IF: 6.101)
You-Yin Chen*, Chien-Wen Cho, Sheng-Huang Lin, Hsin-Yi Lai, Yu-Chun Lo, Shin-Yuan Chen, Yuan-Jen Chang, Wen-Tzeng Huang, Chin-Hsing Chen, Fu-Shan Jaw, Siny Tsang, and Sheng-Tsung Tsai, 2012, “A vision-based regression model to evaluate parkinsonian gait from monocular image sequences,” Expert Syst Appl, Vol.39, pp.520-526. (IF: 1.854)
Wen-Hung Chao, Hsin-Yi Lai, Yen-Yu I. Shih, You-Yin Chen*, Yu-Chun Lo, Sheng-Huang Lin, Siny Tsang, and Fu-Shan Jaw, 2012, “Correction of inhomogeneous magnetic resonance images using multiscale retinex for segmentation accuracy improvement,” Biomed Signal Process, Vol.7, pp.129-140. (IF: 1.074)
Shuenn-Yuh Lee*, Yu-Cheng Su, Ming-Chung Liang, Jia-Hua Hong, Chung-Min Yang, Cheng-Han Hsieh, Ming-Yang Huang, Chih-Jen Cheng, You-Yin Chen, Hsin-Yi Lai, Jou-Wei Lin, and John Q. Fang, 2011, “A programmable implantable micro-stimulator soc with wireless telemetry: application in close-loop endocardial stimulation for cardiac pacemaker,” IEEE T Biomed Circ S, Vol.5, pp.511-512. (IF: 2.74)
Shih-Wei Chen, Sheng-Huang Lin, Lun-De Liao, Hsin-Yi Lai, Te-Son Kuo, Chin-Teng Lin, and You-Yin Chen*, 2011, “Quantification and recognition of parkinsonian gait from monocular video images using kernel-based principal component analysis,” BioMed Eng OnLine, Vol.10, pp.99. (IF: 1.61)